Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy First Birthday, Keila!!!

           It really is hard to believe that Keila is a year old today. In some ways it seems like we've never been without here, and of course in other ways I still see her as my tiny baby girl.
  In celebration of her birthday, Yuki actually got a half day off work! On a Sunday at that. He left for the airport this afternoon, but this morning we made the most of it and besides doing the usual birthday celebrating (cake smashing, present ripping) we took a drive into the country and then around town a bit. Along with shooting about a billion pictures and videos. So this post will include a bit more about the local area, along with a bunch of birthday girl pictures.
  First off, Keila's progress in the past month:
 1. Still not saying specific words (that I can figure out) besides Mama, Dada, and DAAA for dogs/cats/animals, although I could've sworn she said 'wawa' for her sippy cup the other night. We'll see if she does it again. Oh, and she also does this hilarious stunt by sticking her finger in her mouth while vocalizing. It sort of sounds like 'Ahh Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Baaa' and she'll do it if you ask her to. I'll have to upload a video of it since it's obviously much better in person than by my description.
 2. Keila now has 10 teeth with possibly another to follow soon, and her middle top 2 came in fully before Halloween, much to my disappointment. I was really looking forward to working the whole 'fanged baby' look on the 31st!
 3. Sleep has taken a major landslide BACKWARDS, likely due to all the changes we've been through in the past month. Plus, her crib is somewhere in the south Pacific at the moment, so YOU try getting a baby to go to sleep on her own when she can just crawl off her mat and scratch and howl at the bedroom door like a sad little puppy. Not happening. Guess we'll start work on that again whenever said crib makes an appearance.
 4. Still not walking, although she can now take steps along the couch or whatever else she's holding on to at the time. I think given the proper incentive she really would take a few steps, but so far it's way too easy to crawl everywhere.
 5. Keila has made great progress in terms of eating more 'big people' food. Or should I say, I'VE made great progress. Finally realized that she simply wanted to do everything herself, and and soon as I gave up on the spoon and let her have at it, she's made leaps and bounds in the eating department. Any texture is fine, although she still prefers smooth if it does come in on a spoon. Pears are a favorite, but so are broccoli bits, cauliflower,pieces of baked turkey meatballs, plain Greek yogurt, you name it! She's also started using her baby spoon a bit, but it's more miss than hit for the time being. Mealtimes now take at least an hour, but it's great to see her having so much fun. Now if we just had a dog to clean up the floor. On a more sober note, Keila broke out in hives after eating some potatoes with sesame oil on them, so it looks like sesame may be on the no-no list along with bananas now. =( I've got an appointment this week to see about getting some patch testing done, however.
 6. Keila still loves clapping her hands, but now we've gotten high 5's down, and sometimes she'll even raise her hands (although this tends to get confused with 'clap your hands'). In the bath, she's discovered the magic of baby cannonballs: she'll grasp the edges of the baby tub, lift herself to standing, and then slam her bottom back into the water. Loads of entertainment!
 7. I'm actually not sure how much she weighs at the moment, but I think it's got to be over 10 kilos? She's still riding in the Baby Bjorn but I'm starting to feel like a really slow turtle on our daily walks, plus 2 strangers in one day last week stopped and asked me how I could walk with such a big girlstrapped on. Definitely time to start using the stroller (or 'push-car', as they say here) more.

   Here's a link to Keila's birthday pictures, seeing as there were too many to post on here: Click HERE for Keila's birthday pictures.

   I will put up a few pictures from our morning drive, however. We first went out of town to a little village called Earl's Common. Honestly, we probably never would've ventured out that way or even found this place if we didn't have GPS and an address for the cattery that's going to be taking care of Wasabi and Sushi whenever we're away. I'm glad we did come across it though, as it was a beautiful drive into a quaint little village. We passed some women out riding horses on the road there, along with a pheasant! And of course your usual bunch of assorted cows, sheep, pigs, and centuries old churches. I love the English countryside!
  After stopping by the cattery, we made a quick drive through downtown Worcester again before heading home to let Keila open her presents. Quite a big day for the birthday girl, all in all!

                                  Worcester Cathedral from the flip side

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