Monday, February 6, 2012

Keila's 15 Month Update

   Another break from Italy in order to do Keila's monthly update. I've also just realized that it's now February and I'm still posting about our trip in December! Hopefully I can find the time to wrap it up soon, otherwise it might be Christmas-time again before I'm on to other topics.
 For now, all about Keila.
1. Speech. We are talking A LOT now. Much, much more than even a month ago. Problem being, I can't figure out what everything means, but I'm trying since Keila so very obviously is. Words that are recognizable include: WaWa (for Wasabi), Baby (which I count as her first official word), Oliver (sounds more like 'Ah wa ba'), and David (Da--id). Why the male names, you ask? Well, Oliver is one of her close friends, and David....hah. David is Michelangelo's David, the magnet of which happens to be on our fridge.
 2. The tooth count is now up to 14! Her canines have finally popped through, ouch. I'm seeing more drooling though so maybe we have more on the way? Kind of hard to tell lately since Keila hates it when I try to stick any fingers in there and group around. Not that I blame her.
 3. Sleep is still not what it could be, but now Keila will go right to bed when I put her down for naps or in the evening. It's the wake-ups that are still the issue. Less than 2 months until the big move and Keila's own bedroom, though!
 4. I was dead wrong last month when I said that Keila probably wouldn't walk much any time soon, even though she took her first steps. Within the past 2 weeks, our little speed demon has started toddling around all over on her own. It's a little disconcerting to glance up and see her waddle by a doorway, actually! She'll probably start running right around the time I get used to her walking everywhere.
 5. Food. No other apparent allergies, but I confess I haven't given Keila a ton of new things to try lately. She did eat some prawn crackers last week and loved them, no signs of allergy either. She's got a slight cold at the moment and hasn't really been wanting much of anything in general besides things covered in marinara sauce. Hopefully her appetite returns soon.
 6. New actions. Keila LOVES brushing her teeth with the baby toothbrush we (belatedly) got her. Up until last week I'd only been using a cloth to wipe her teeth after meals, oops. Not sure which is more effective though, since she tends to just chew on the toothbrush instead of actually brush with it. And nobody is allowed to help her! I've had to make sure the toothbrush is out of sight in between brushings, since she'll otherwise throw a fit and point at her mouth until she gets it.
 Keila will also blow a kiss if we ask her to, and she's loving taking out her blocks and then putting them all away. Lids are also fascinating right now; she can't get enough of taking them off and putting them back on to containers.
 7. Keila's around 10.5 kilos? Maybe? I really need to check the growth charts to make sure she's on track....she sure looks fat (ie healthy) enough, though!
  Ok, that's all about Keila until March 6th!

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