Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Product Review: Cap'n Crunch Halloween Crunch

Since I'm currently in the US and my Barcelona pictures are back on the computer in the UK, I thought I'd do a few American product reviews until we get home. And seeing as Halloween is fast approaching, there is no small amount of new fall-themed treats in the aisles. Most of these novel products are candies, but some other sugar-laden snacks are getting in on the fun, too. So here we have Cap'n Crunch's Halloween Crunch. Claim to fame? 'Ghosts turn milk green!'
  I used to love Cap'n Crunch as a kid, and I'd happily pick through it to get the tasty red balls (not sure what's in them, but I'm guessing just a higher sugar content than their golden counterparts). So the first thing I noticed upon opening this box is that the good old Cap'n has increased the ratio of red to gold pieces. Smart move, hopping kids up on even more sugar than they were getting previously. I'm sure parents love that.
 These particular Halloween crunch pieces looked about the same as the usual ones, but I was easily able to pick out the 'ghosts': certain red pieces contain bits of green that will tint milk. Does this really excite children? I admit that when I grabbed the box, I wasn't really paying attention to what was special about it (screaming baby being foremost on my mind) but I was expecting something more than "turns milk green". Boooooo to that letdown!
 So overall, what you get is the usual tasting Cap'n Crunch, only with grossly green milk. Oh, and let me clarify that my taste buds have matured since childhood. This stuff is sickeningly sweet! My advice? Don't bother paying extra for the green milk. And if you're even thinking of heading down nostalgia road like I did, do a quick U-turn and go buy some oatmeal instead!

                                   Halloween Crunch: Looks like the usual Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch Halloween sort of turns milk green....but why do you want green milk??

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